Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We've got to fight, for our right, to murse!

For years I have hoped and dreamed that we could begin an association to represent male nurses. In our nursing program there are 3 men and 62 girls! We're tired of things being so female oriented! It is this attitude that contributes to the idea that nursing is a feminine career.
Nursing is awesome, and men can be just as successful as women at nursing. We encourage all people to fight against the discrimination of male nurses and to encourage men to consider nursing as a career. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with any of it! I'm tired of telling people that I'm married (to a woman) as a way of proving that straight men can be murses!
Fight for your right to be a murse!


Anonymous said...

First off, I am not a 'murse.' I am a Nurse; in fact I am not even a male nurse... I am a nurse who is a man. Perhaps we are our own worse enemy when it comes to gender stereotyping. I do find in some aspects that I have been discriminated against. However, the benefits of being a man who is a nurse outweigh the drawbacks by far.
Raymond, RN, BSN
I have never considered myself a male nurse, a man nurse, or any other term that sets me apart from being what I am... a nurse. If we disrepect ourselves we will recieve direspect in return.

Bradicus said...

I love it! Pretend like people don't think differently of you because you're a male nurse, and all of a sudden it will go away on its own. PERFECT.

Dan said...

To anonymous, Raymond, above: Did you even read the article that you commented on?